A collective of researchers and activists mobilising with and against the law to resist and counter the structural violence of physical and other borders, centring transformative justice and reparations for the global immobility regime.

Externalisation in the Central Mediterranean and Libya

migration control

‘Driftbacks’ in the
Aegean Sea

‘Pushbacks’ as
enforced disappearances

Containment and abandonment at the EU-Belarus border

Movement lawyering and the violence of the laws of borders

Transformative and decolonial migration justice and reparations
- European Ombudsman calls for reforms in EU border funding, without holding the Commission accountable
- EU border violence at the European Court of Human Rights: Reflections on G.R.J. v Greece
- Transforming justice for border deaths and disappearances: Call for expressions of interest
- Joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Migrants on the ‘phenomenon’ of missing migrants
- Systemic unaccountability at the EU’s external border: missed opportunities of the European Ombudsperson’s decision on Frontex’s SAR role and obligations in the Aegean region
- Joint statement: Egyptian authorities must end arbitrary detentions and forced deportations of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers
driftbacks enforceddisappearances externalisation financialisation Greece Libya research