European Ombudsman calls for reforms in EU border funding, without holding the Commission accountable
On 21 February 2025, the European Ombudsman issued a decision following its inquiry into the European Commission’s administration of Greece’s EU-funded border operations (Case 1418/2023/VS).
EU border violence at the European Court of Human Rights: Reflections on G.R.J. v Greece
The following are our initial reflections, offered as part of a praxis of movement law/yering on migration justice rooted in self-accountability, on the European Court of Human Rights’ reasoning and approach in GRJ v Greece, and its implications for legal struggles against borders in Greece and at Europe’s borders elsewhere.
Transforming justice for border deaths and disappearances: Call for expressions of interest
As de:border // migration justice collective and Missing Migrants Lesvos, we have been weaving the initial constellations of a transnational group of individuals, many part of groups or organisations, that have sought to respond to and resist border deaths and disappearances. We are now inviting expressions of interest to join an embodied co-learning space in the form of a seven-session online workshop (between…
Joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Migrants on the ‘phenomenon’ of missing migrants
On 13 December 2024, de:border // migration justice collective and Legal Centre Lesvos provided their joint input to the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants’ report on the ‘phenomenon’ of ‘missing’ migrants. The joint submission discusses the underlying causes of migrants’ disappearances during border crossings and the harmful impacts of in/direct state actions.
Systemic unaccountability at the EU’s external border: missed opportunities of the European Ombudsperson’s decision on Frontex’s SAR role and obligations in the Aegean region
The statement is in response to the European Ombudsperson’s decision, published on 28 February 2024, following its own-initiative strategic inquiry concerning the role of Frontex in the context of search and rescue operations. The statement draws on the Joint Contribution the organisations made during this inquiry.
Joint statement: Egyptian authorities must end arbitrary detentions and forced deportations of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers
After issuing Decree No. 3326 of 2023, end of August 2023, Egyptian authorities have arrested and detained Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers in inhumane conditions, subjected them to unfair trials, and forcibly returned them to Sudan in violation of Egypt’s international obligations and Egypt’s constitution. This statement, coordinated by Refugee Platform in Egypt, was signed by 27 organisations, including de:border.
Collective statement and call against the building of Italian migrant detention centers in Albania
On 6 November 2023, the Italian and the Albanian governments signed a deal on the construction of detention centres in Albania, to be used to arbitrarily detain people rescued or intercepted at sea by Italian state ships. Against the normalisation of externalisation, de:border signed a statement co-authored by collectives from Greece, Italy, Albania and Kosovo.
European Ombudsperson opens inquiry into the Commission’s administration of EU funding used in Greece’s illegal expulsion of migrants
The inquiry is based on the joint submission of a complaint against the European Commission by de:border // migration justice collective, Legal Centre Lesvos, HIAS Greece, Equal Rights Beyond Borders, and Mobile Info Team, with the support of several investigative and research partners—including Dr. Lena Karamanidou, Border Violence Monitoring Network, Forensic Architecture and Lighthouse Reports.
Joint statement on the Pylos shipwreck: Abolishing borders, ending violence, transforming justice
In the weeks following the Pylos shipwreck, together with members of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for research and participants of the Feminist No Borders Summer School: Abolitionist Care, de:border co-drafted and signed this statement—‘Abolishing Borders, Ending Violence, Transforming Justice’.
Contribution to the Feminist Autonomous Centre for research’s community course on ‘Resisting the criminalisation of facilitation’
Between 29 March and 17 May 2023, the Feminist Autonomous Centre for research facilitated an online community course on ‘Resisting the criminalisation of facilitation’. The current co-leads of de:border // migration justice collective, Valentina Azarova and Noemi Magugliani, contributed to a session on ‘Legal and political struggles in court’.