‘Pushbacks’ as enforced disappearances

© Forensic Architecture
In late September 2023, the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances formally adopted its first General Comment on the application of the Convention on Enforced Disappearances in the context of migration. The General Comment is based on decades of migrant-led struggles, particularly throughout the Americas, in resistance of mass killings and disappearances of migrants, even after death, by bordering regimes and racialising state violence. Such policies of deliberate endangerment, abandonment, and unprotection in borderlands are extreme forms of racialised group-based repression, persecution, and social erasure through summary expulsions (‘pushbacks’) which entail the person’s removal from recognition and protection of the law.
We have documented cases of both direct and indirect enforced disappearances, and sought to advance the application of this legal and political category to the systemic practices of border violence through different politico-legal interventions. A central and pending intervention formative to this issue-area is the individual complaint against Greece brought before the UN Human Rights Committee by Fady, a Syrian refugee in the EU, whom we have been accompanying with others since 2018. F.A.A. v Greece is the first complaint against Greece before the Committee arguing that ‘pushbacks’ may constitute acts of enforced disappearance and demanding systemic redress for broader systemic ‘pushback’ policies.
F.A.A. v Greece: Illegal expulsions and enforced disappearance at Evros
Filed in November 2020, and registered and communicated to Greece in November 2021, this is the first individual complaint before the Human Rights Committee regarding Greece’s systemic policy of summary expulsion and racialising violence at Evros, arguing that such practices constitute enforced disappearances.
Transforming justice for border deaths and disappearances: Call for expressions of interest
As de:border // migration justice collective and Missing Migrants Lesvos, we have been weaving the initial constellations of a transnational group of individuals, many part of groups or organisations, that have sought to respond to and resist border deaths and disappearances. We are now inviting expressions of interest to join an embodied co-learning…
Joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Migrants on the ‘phenomenon’ of missing migrants
On 13 December 2024, de:border // migration justice collective and Legal Centre Lesvos provided their joint input to the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants’ report on the ‘phenomenon’ of ‘missing’ migrants. The joint submission discusses the underlying causes of migrants’ disappearances during border crossings and the…
European Ombudsperson opens inquiry into the Commission’s administration of EU funding used in Greece’s illegal expulsion of migrants
The inquiry is based on the joint submission of a complaint against the European Commission by de:border // migration justice collective, Legal Centre Lesvos, HIAS Greece, Equal Rights Beyond Borders, and Mobile Info Team, with the support of several investigative and research partners—including Dr. Lena Karamanidou, Border Violence Monitoring Network, Forensic Architecture and Lighthouse Reports.