
The following are our initial reflections, offered as part of a praxis of movement law/yering on migration justice rooted in self-accountability, on the European Court of Human Rights’ reasoning and approach in GRJ v Greece, and its implications for legal struggles against borders in Greece and at Europe’s borders elsewhere.
G.R.J. v Greece was submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in March 2021 on behalf of an unaccompanied minor who was abducted, illegally detained and expelled to Turkey by Greek officials through life-endangering abandonment at sea.
The statement is in response to the European Ombudsperson’s decision, published on 28 February 2024, following its own-initiative strategic inquiry concerning the role of Frontex in the context of search and rescue operations. The statement draws on the Joint Contribution the organisations made during this inquiry.
A.A.J. and H.J. v Greece, submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in May 2021, challenges Greece’s abductions and expulsions of asylum seekers in the Aegean Sea.
The inquiry is based on the joint submission of a complaint against the European Commission by de:border // migration justice collective, Legal Centre Lesvos, HIAS Greece, Equal Rights Beyond Borders, and Mobile Info Team, with the support of several investigative and research partners—including Dr. Lena Karamanidou, Border Violence Monitoring Network, Forensic Architecture and Lighthouse Reports.